October 21, 2024

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Why Use An SEO Expert To Boost Your Business?

Traditional small business marketing techniques are changing as people increasingly move to online search when looking for a product or service.  Ask yourself the following question:

“How many time have I used the yellow pages in the last week, and how many times have I used Google or another search engine?”

If you are like an ever growing number of people, the answer will be similar to “zero times and a lot”.

So if your business doesn’t have an online presence, then you are missing out on all these potential customers…and paying potentially 10’s of thousands of dollars for the privilege!

Although, just having a website is not enough… as the old adage, “build it and they will come”, definitely does not apply on the internet.  If no-one can find your website because it doesn’t rank for your search terms, then it is a waste of money and potential customers will be going to your competitors site.

This is where Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO comes in.  A correctly designed and implemented SEO strategy increases your ranking when people are searching for products or services like yours.  For your business this means:

  • More visitors to your website.
  • More leads or sales for your business.
  • A greater return on investment for your marketing dollar.

Why a top Search Engine Ranking is so important?

The image below shows the results of a recent study on user behaviour in Search Engines conducted by Cornell University in New York. It found that over 56% of people clicked on the first result for their search. It drops to only 13% at position number 2 and down to only 2.5% for position number 10 at the bottom of the first page.

SEO Click Distribution

These were surprising results…and a little disturbing for some. It shows that if you are not in the top position for the terms your customers are searching for, then they are unlikely to ever find your site and will end up at a competitors site that is ranking well.

Think like your customers!

So your customer sits down in front of their computer (or mobile phone) ready to search for a product they would like to buy, or a specialised service they need.
1.    Does the search engine magically know what they are looking for? Or…
2.    Do they tell the search engine what they want to see?
Obviously, they tell the search engine what they are looking for and it then provides them with what it considers to be the most relevant results.

Google Results

Here at Grow Digital we perform extensive  keyword research and then optimise your website for those keywords that your customers are actively searching for.  This means

  • more people find your site
  • The visitors to your site are potential customers who are looking for your products or services.

With traditional advertising, you pay a lot of money to get your message in front of a group of people, where only a small fraction are actually interested in your products or service.  The end result of these targeted visits due to SEO is a better return on investment for your business.

Supercharge your small business marketing while focusing on what you do best, letting the Search Engine Optimisation experts at Grow Digital help your website reach its true potential.

Call Now on (07) 3852 3921 to book your free 30 minute no obligation consultation.